ROA Quantification
Digital analytics is more than just another expense
In the last few years, organizations have been making big investments in digital analytics, but there are still uncertainties about the return on analytics (ROA). While companies are increasing their spend in digital analytics tools and people, we should remember that this only half of the equation. The second half of the digital analytics . . .
Digital Marketing Metrics That Matter
You need to identify the duds.
Collecting digital marketing data is magnificent. And, we are storing exceptional amounts of structured and unstructured data from ERPs, CRMs,WCMs, Web Analytics, Social Media, Apps, Sensors, etc. I'm a big believer that all of this data can provide us with insights – IF we focus on the right metrics. But many CxOs make decisions based on . . .
The Rise of the "D"
Business will soon be all digital
Business has rapidly become digital-dependent. Less than 10 years ago, IT departments were in charge of deciding what technologies business needed to run. Today, leading companies are relying more and more on departments like Digital Marketing when it comes to technology spend. And it makes sense–we are now doing business in a world where . . .
'Quick and Nimble' Online Marketing
Another step towards management minimalism
Measurable results are nebulous these days–if you try to list KPIs in your online marketing campaigns, you could come up with 50 metrics and they might even be precise. This is a very common mistake–it becomes a whole lot of meaningless data. Managers tend to focus on data–lots of data–but I don't think they ask questions. That's the . . .