To Be Digitally Successful, Think Beyond Your Role
Use analytical skills to understand the needs of the business
If you put five people in a room and ask for opinions, you will get six different ones – there is always someone that disagrees with him/herself. Creative, technology, marketing, and other groups are offering their views and giving advice to digital about what they should do. At lunches and in break rooms – and during meetings – everyone . . .
The Reality We Ignore About Digital Marketing
Most companies will never achieve digital maturity.
Recently, I finished reading Connect, and thought a lot about the evolution of digital, the control it has given consumers, how social networks connect them, and all the technology we now have to measure and optimize our reach as digital marketers.
It also prompted me to think about process and maturity. Our focus today is more . . .
The Rise of the "D"
Business will soon be all digital
Business has rapidly become digital-dependent. Less than 10 years ago, IT departments were in charge of deciding what technologies business needed to run. Today, leading companies are relying more and more on departments like Digital Marketing when it comes to technology spend. And it makes sense–we are now doing business in a world where . . .
Mocking The Status Quo
To succeed, we have to play by (with) the rules.
After my first blog post, a colleague asked me, "What are your objectives with this project?" An interesting question–particularly in the digital marketing world–since we are always debating why a site exists.
Consider Yahoo's "Moonshot" goal which aims to be "on every smartphone, every tablet every day, . . .
Posted in: decision makingleadership