The Right Way to Run Digital
Do a thorough job, and all you'll ever need is a lean team
Throughout my career, I've worked with lean digital-minded companies as well as legacy organizations. In most cases, I've managed to successfully run digital with a couple of teammates, generating far more revenue and driving bigger brand growth than the "non-digital" side. As a digital marketing advocate, I aim for the same . . .
To Be Digitally Successful, Think Beyond Your Role
Use analytical skills to understand the needs of the business
If you put five people in a room and ask for opinions, you will get six different ones – there is always someone that disagrees with him/herself. Creative, technology, marketing, and other groups are offering their views and giving advice to digital about what they should do. At lunches and in break rooms – and during meetings – everyone . . .
What Employee Surveys Can't Capture
Old-school trench networking still matters.
Over the years, I've filled out a few employee surveys providing feedback regarding what organizations are doing well and what they're missing. Through trial and error, I've figured out something that helped hone my perception of actual overall satisfaction – trench networking. Many leaders forget about what their employees are, . . .
Posted in: leadershiplean thinkingmanaging people
Teamwork and Principles
Putting people first matters in Digital Marketing. Here's why.
If you talk to people about what their work is lacking, you will probably hear a common frustration: "We need leaders who can put people first, not just talk about it." The complaint is usually followed by an observation about how they are actually treated like disposable diapers. This needs to change–especially in today's . . .
The Simplicity Paradox
Why digital marketing is shifting management styles.
Simplicity has become the best currency for my success. But an oversimplified understanding of what it means can cripple anyone's growth opportunities and limit their influence.
Consider PPC marketing, a model in which you direct traffic to a website, and pay when ads are clicked. Managing, testing, and optimizing ads become . . .