Juan Zambrano
Space and Silence
Digital marketing minimums
I spent much time in the past trying to figure out how become successful at my job. Transformative. Digital marketing has evolved so much over the years, and it has been difficult at times to ingeniously find the right answers. So, how can you make it work? What's the secret?
When I started flying a couple of years ago, I found . . .
Mocking The Status Quo
To succeed, we have to play by (with) the rules.
After my first blog post, a colleague asked me, "What are your objectives with this project?" An interesting question–particularly in the digital marketing world–since we are always debating why a site exists.
Consider Yahoo's "Moonshot" goal which aims to be "on every smartphone, every tablet every day, . . .
Posted in: decision makingleadership
The Simplicity Paradox
Why digital marketing is shifting management styles.
Simplicity has become the best currency for my success. But an oversimplified understanding of what it means can cripple anyone's growth opportunities and limit their influence.
Consider PPC marketing, a model in which you direct traffic to a website, and pay when ads are clicked. Managing, testing, and optimizing ads become . . .